alphacut 003 a bad matter - jazzthing b cycom - rude bwoy (lxc rmx) breaks, breaks, breaks. we introduce a nearly unknown and upcoming talent from berlin: bad matter, the lost soul of jungle from germany with his very first vinyl release. listen to it and you will remember former droppin' science kind-of-stuff, made of jazz breaks and tube basslines. alphacut 001 hit the advanced dancefloors across europe one year ago, and now the mighty 'rude bwoy' strikes back: lxc redisigned cycom's work into a dark metal soldier, forcing all sophisticated feet to dance. including 8 locked grooves. vinyl cut by sst. record manufacturing by rand. format: 12". white vinyl, labels & package. graphics stamped, sticked & written. catalogue number: ACR 003. number of pieces: lim 500. handmade in east germany. distributed by soundbase. out march 1st 2004. artist profiles bad matter also known as fixed frequency, born in berlin, acquired a lot of musical influences over the years in this city . his interest to do "something" with music increased and he started dj´ing at home in 1992, first steps in sequencing followed 2 years later. many different kinds of music derived from projects with friends or work for theatres, but he liked (broken-) beats from the very beginning. jungle / drum&bass was "love on first sight" and he focused more and more on it. now, involved in the audiomassive crew from berlin, he works as a dj, producing with them, others and solo. the contact to lxc / alphacut came via the internet and it resulted in this first cut. previous bad matter releases: div on bad matter home: cycom is the lucky one which introduces the first sounds of our new little imprint: the a side of alphacut 001. native from mainz (germany) but today living in hamburg, he had already been publishing on different drum'n'bass labels before. his beats are compelling, edited in a precisely matching way. cycom's trademark sound results from the superimposition of several samples, followed by subtractive editing, contributing to a very individual colouring within his music. his releases on other labels like santorin show his affinity towards music beyond stilistic frontiers. the idiosyncrasy of the bedroom-studio-advocate lies in his way of production: a shareware-tracker, called jeskola buzz, that represents a remote relative of the former trackerprograms. cycom aka thomas fleischer was born 1974 and started making electronic music on his c64 aged 12. since then the love for music and beats kept him constantly exploring new musical terrain. after playing in several "conventional" bands his mind got turned to electronic beats again, as he discovered jungle in 1993. producing drum'n'bass since 1995, he took some time to perfect his sound and released his first 12" in september 2001 after doing various remixes for artists like simon v, barth or chaoz. cycom releases: track: rude bwoy (alphacut 001) single: oscillate & nightflight (santorin lp) ep: void ep (plain 001) track: oscillate (metrobreaks comp. canada) track: ultra (magic vinyl compilation) single: oscillate (santorin 008) remix: simon v - broken promise (santorin 005) cycom home: lxc is the man when it comes to hardcore drum'n'bass and weird electronics from leipzig. just armed with an akai and a virus, he's been dropping the ill shit since 1993, killing dancefloors all over europe. today, he enters the stage with an expanded live setup, allowing for drastic noise treatments and making all ears bleed. be aware of lxc's mighty label empire called alphacut, which is obligatory for all dauntless breakbeat scientists out there. since the time when alexdee of phantomnoise and lxc launched their strukturbruch party series, the streets of leipzig were no longer safe. fighting stylistic frontiers, supporting international acts and developing the early and boring jungle vs. breakcore concepts into an incredible fakecore experience, these guys lived up to their ideas. back in 2001, the impressive lxc vinyl debut on phantomnoise 004 emphasized the tendency to more than just lazy 170 bpm loops just as later releases on labels like santorin, alphacut and phantomnoise did, today even more than ever before. make sure you take cover when the one they call the lxc hits your town - because the future certainly won't be silent at all! lxc releases: album: we have to hold apart (plainaudio 012) tracks: lxxxc - ich liebe es ... & others (a-core comp. on minor 014, cca 43 and secret 12") remix: hp.stonji - 247 (phantomnoise 011) session: mandragora - frost (minor 012) single: rave is back (phantomnoise 010) remix: cycom - rude bwoy (alphacut 003) track: the most important (s limited 003) track: stick em up (with mze) (alphacut 002) remix: alexdee - rush (phantomnoise 006) album: the rise of lxc (trash tapes 037) track: dropscience (fk13 000) ep: strukturbruch ep (phantomnoise 004) album: live 2001 (trash tapes 033) lxc home: press reactions (some of them unfortunatly in german, sorry) doa (croms) Suddenly it's 1997 again! outerbound you don't hear a lot of things happening in germany on the jungle side, alphacut now on there 3rd release and still keeping the ltd (this one being 500). originally starting as a drum n bass label they seem to have settled into a mix up of breakbeat / electronic / jungle. not only do you get two banging tunes at the end of the record on each side there is 4 continuous loops of vocals / beats. wrecked distribution experimental drum and bass of two distinct varieties. bad matter starts with some moody cut-up jazz breaks - hits you like paradox or the venetian snares 7"s on addict. the flip is more of a twisted take on dancefloor d&b from cycom, remixed by lxc. stuttered breaks and off-kilter bouncy rave style bass. png (criticale) hier folgt nun das 3. release auf alphacut. definitiv nochmal mehr feuer verbreitend und funken sprühend als die nummern 1 und 2. "jazzthing" knarzt und breakt umschwirrt von abwechselnden sounds zwischen erfüllung und dunkelheit, dass es eine wahre freude ist. immer wieder ein kleiner tupfer der veränderung zwingt regelrecht zum durchhalten auf der tanzfläche. lxc's bearbeitung von cycoms wahnsinnstrack "rude bwoy" steht dem original in sachen euphorie keineswegs nach, zerhackt das stück in bester manier und läßt t-shirts in minuten durchnässen. wenn d&b energ(et)ische musik ist, dann so. raveline (baze.djunkiii) kaum die zweite veröffentlichung am start schiesst alphacut auch schon die testpressung der katalognummer 003 hinterher, um die tanzflächen der republik erbeben zu lassen. auf der a-seite erweist newcomer bad matter beat- und athmowise dem alten metalheadz-sound die ehre, katapultiert ihn ins jahr 2004 und garniert das ganze mit ständig neu warpenden basslines. sehr fein, das - könnte der erste echt hit des labels werden. auf der flipside remisched lxc den cycom-track "rudebwoy" - im original erschienen auf alphacut 001 - und verpasst ihm ein neues, anti-groovendes beatskelett, das nur von menschen mit extremer körperbeherrschung betanzt werden kann. einzig das athmosphärische break im mittelteil schafft ruhe im strukturierten chaos und aktiviert die lighter crew... dj-magazine (lightwood) mit bad matter erfrischt uns ein neues talent aus berlin. "jazzthing" scheint eine hommage an danny breaks in 1996 zu sein. wilde jazzbreaks und dreckige sägebässe werden zu einem treibenden monster verschmolzen. auf der rückseite wird cycom's "rude bwoy" von labelowner lxc geremixt. herausgekommen ist eine eigenwilige mischung aus 'maschinenmusik' und düsterem jungle, sehr abwechslungsreich gestrickt, mit einem grandiosen breakdown in der mitte. schwer im mix zu plazieren, aber definitiv eine nummer, die für aufhorchen sorgen wird. alphacut-bonus: acht feine endlosloops. future-music (baze.djunkiii) file under: intelligent darkstep. das leipziger imprint alphacut veröffentlicht im märz 2004 seine dritte 12", die seit ein paar wochen als testpressung kursiert. bad matter vereint mit seinem track "jazzthing" die intelligenten rolls der frühen drum'n'bass-jahre - wieder ist der einfluss von imprints wie metalheadz oder produzenten wie source direct nicht zu leugnen - und kombiniert diese mit einer ständig vor sich hin morphenden bassline, die - obwohl eindeutig der dunklen seite der macht zugewandt - mir jedesmal ein dickes grinsen ins gesicht zaubert. dazu noch schnell ein paar prägnante athmosphärenparts gemischt und der future-classic ist fertig. lxc remischt auf der flipside den schon auf alphacut 001 erschienen track "rude bwoy" aus der feder von cycom und liefert in seiner variation einen brutal schnellen, gegen den strich gebürsteten beat ab, den mensch getrost schon als anti-funk bezeichnen darf. die erlösung liefern hier erst die im mittelteil einsetzenden stabs, die die nervöse spannung aufbrechen und kurzzeitig das gefühl eines echten groove aufkommen lassen. doch getäuscht, denn nach dieser kurzen erholungsphase wirft lxc wieder mit abstrakten frickelbeats um sich, das es nur so kracht. für sehr advancedte dancefloors empfohlen. soundclash bad matter opens the record with some heavy jazz breaks and heavy analog bass much in the same vein as old droppin science records. fans of danny breaks will love this one. lxc's remix of rude bwoy destroys the flip with big bass, wicked cymbals, and mean analog bleeps runnung rampant throughout the track. pressed on white vinyl once again with several bonus lock grooves included. alphacut is bangin drum and bass from germany. all of their releases to date have been drop and this one is no exception. be sure to check out this and other releases from the label.